It has taken me a while to post my trip to the Oregon coast, but I have been busy putting together my house :) (and taking lots of pictures :) )
The Oregon Coast is beautiful! I loved it... the fog was a little annoying for picture taking, but other than that I had an awesome time! It was a great family trip to take with my parents & little sister. LOTS OF PIX BELOW!!
One of our stops along the way was a lavender field, it smelled so awesome! It was up on a hill and there were rows & rows of lavender very pretty!
We also followed the Columbia River a long ways & there were many bridges along the way...
We also stopped at the Tillamook Cheese house~ Very interesting & Yummy!
We were then able to stop at the Aquarium! Very cool! Lots of very neat exhibits!
These are just a few of the pictures from the Aquarium... I was able to touch a shark & a stingray so that was different!
Some of the towns that we went to were very cute towns! They are definitely for tourists :) My first site of the Ocean, was a bit crazy... I had to walk clear down to the edge of the water just to see it because of all of the fog. Also seeing all of the boats in the dock was pretty neat. (I have to say it is probably because this was my first seeing the ocean and being near the coast)
We also got to see these on the rocks! Notice the fog! Very obnoxious.
But, it was well worth the trip to get to see these lighthouses! I am doing my downstairs bathroom in lighthouses, so I am getting these printed up & framed to put in my bathroom :) Very exciting!
The white lighthouse in the above ocean picture is the same as the lighthouse next to it just farther away... I love the picture, but there again the fog was in the way! (Oh well I still love it!)
And last but not least....
The Ocean~~~~