Tuesday, March 17, 2009


AHH!! This is how I am feeling right now! Today has not been a very good day & I hope it doesn't continue because I have too much to do....I went to the doctor again today because my ear is not feeling better & it is starting to effect my hearing in my right ear. I am so sick & tired of being like this! So instead of medication they are sending me to a specialist & I may have to have tubes in my ears. I talk to them tomorrow, so we will see what happens! I am so frustrated because I have an exam tomorrow & one on Thursday. I just know that when I talk to them tomorrow I am going to insist that if I have to have surgery that it be next week, because that is spring break... What a way to enjoy spring break oh well! I just want to be back to normal... whatever that is...

1 comment:

Jeff & Ashlee Olsen & Family said...

You'll get a break some day Candra, well maybe. Sorry to hear you're not feeling better. Let me know if there's anything you need!