Thursday, May 21, 2009
American Idol.....
OK... I don't usually get into American Idol that much.. This season was a different story! I looked forward to watching it every week because of... ADAM! I love Adam I think he is the best! He always took the song & put his own twist on it! Mad World will probably be one of my favorites forever! So, needless to say I am upset that he did not win! Kris didn't even deserve to be on the top 2. If Adam couldn't win I would have rather had Danny than Kris! One thing I know for sure is that Adam will go far & I will be a fan for a long time! GO ADAM!

Worst Nightmare...
Well it has been a crazy week... On Friday night I went and babysat for our neighbors that live behind us & their boys are so cute! One is 2 and the other one is 8 months~ They are the typical fun boys & we had fun. While I was there my mom called me & told me there had been car accident with my little sister and her friend. They had flipped the car, so my parents were going to get her. What happened is this... They were up on Iona hill headed towards town & were on a gravel road (her friend was driving & had her license for a week). They were going too fast on the gravel and hit a turn and the car started to slide so she over corrected the car & hit the edge of the canal dirt & flipped the car into the canal. The water was pretty swift & deep. They had seatbelts on & the airbags didn't go off, both of which was a good thing. They both got out heavens only knows how. Her parents picked up the car the other day & there is no possible way my sister could have gottent the door open on her own, the door wouldn't even open the other day. So, with the swift water & the door the way it was it shouldn't have opened. The police officer even told my parents that they are lucky to have a daughter, because the last time there was an accident there, no one survived. I am thankful that she is just bruied up a bit & we still have her! She is one lucky girl! Here is her graduation announcement that we put together!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Ok... so I know that I was going to try harder to make this really positive all the time, well that is just not my life! I am going to get it out here on this paper for myself... so if you don't want to hear it just skip it! I have had one of the hardest weeks in a really long time! Monday was going to start out good because I just got back from Boise and had a really fun trip! Well Monday turned out to be a crazy day not only did I have to start class again, but I just felt that everything that could go wrong did! Not only after everything that happened that day, but I get home from school mind you it is like 930 pm and I had been up since 6am, my mom starts in on me now don't get me wrong I love my mom, but lately it has just been tougher getting along with her. So after Monday I thought ok Tuesday is going to be a good day & Tuesday went to crap when I found out that I got a B+ in English, not a bad grade but I don't understand how I got a B+ when all of my papers I have gotten 100% and A's. I am so upset about it I know it seems stupid but I deserve an A! So then again tonight my mom and I don't get along & I just don't think I can deal with things anymore! I have to get over my fears of being alone and just do it! I know that most of you that read this are like oh you will be fine I wished I lived by myself, but you don't understand I have this fear of being alone and with all the pressure I get of not being married ect ect.... I just am about to have a nervous breakdown, when I found out my grade I had to literally hold back the tears because I was at work, but as I sit here and write this the tears are streaming down my face as I am so frustrated with everything in my life right now! I don't write this for people to feel sorry for me so DON'T, I write this as my therapy to getting over it!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Finals & Friends!
I don't have my grades yet but finals & tests are over! Yeah! I think I did good, but we will find out soon I hope! My brother was in the Emergency Room on Monday night for what we found out later was food poising (he was in so much pain and thought he was going to die) so it was scary but I didn't get to bed till around 3am and then got up and had to be to work by 730am and then left to take an English final from 3-5 in Pocatello. I had my last final on Thursday, it was my tax exam & I think that it went pretty well although it was really hard... Thursday I was able to meet up with Angie for dinner while she was in town! She looks so cute pregnant & it was really great to see her! Friday after I got off work, I left for BOISE! I went to see my really good friends Wynn & Brandon. They moved to Boise just a little while ago about 9 months I guess. I have missed them both so much, so I decided to take a break & go visit them in their new house! I got there Friday around 9pm and we talked and caught up and then we went to dinner. After dinner we went to downtown Boise and walked around. I saw the capital building and the places where my friends work and a lot of drunk people! We came back to there house and watched movies and talked till 3am. It so much fun to be able to catch up and talk! Saturday we got up around 10 and relaxed and then we all three made lunch together Wynn is an awesome cook and it was so good! (I ate a lot of food while I was there I'm sure I gained another 5 pounds I didn't need) We then played the Wii and watched tv and I didn't even get out my pajamas the entire day Saturday! It was AWESOME! I haven't been able to relax like this for so long! Sunday we got up late and I had to come home. Thank you Wynn & Brandon for a great weekend! I miss you both already, but hopefully I can come visit again soon! It's nice to be home, but I am not looking forward to getting back to the grind with school and work tomorrow. Summer school starts tomorrow (yuck) at least it is only one class. Well that has been my week.... (sorry I forgot my camera so no pictures)
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