Well school started on Monday & what a week it has been! Monday started bright and early at 5:30 am. Way too early! My schedule went like this... Monday I had accouting 323 at 8am in Pocatello and then I have to drive back go to work & then I have 2 classes in IF at 5pm BA 400 & MGT 460 & get home about 10:30. Tuesday also starts bright and early at 5am. I have accounting 331Tax class;( and then I drive back for work & have class at 6pm which is Finance 478. Wednesday are about the same as Monday & Thursday is the same as Tuesday except I have Business Law in Pocatello at night! So it has been crazy~ but I will get through it! I also got some super cute pictures of Kaylies kids! They are so cute~ check out more of them on Candra's pix. I also have more photoshoots to come so keep checking for new photos! At least I have a break from school tomorrow to be able to get caught up on my homework for the week to come, but I will at least try to keep up on my blog!
Well~ time has flown this past week and a half... I took vacation from work & went to Boise for 3 days last week & this week I was suppose to go to Oregon, but that didn't happen (I will get to see the ocean someday). I did get a lot done this week though! I had a lot to do to get ready for school & I took McKayla for a day & took her to Applebees with a friend for lunch & she was so good! She had applesauce & macaroni & cheese! She loves hanging out with her auntie Candra! School does start tomorrow & although I am ready to get it over with I know it is going to be crazy!! I can already see the 1 a.m. study sessions in my future! I did get some really cute pictures of Gracie & her sisters this week---check them out on candraspix & today I got this new one of McKayla so I thought I would post one of Gracie & her sisters & one of McKayla I can't believe how fast all of them are growing! It makes me feel old~ Well hopefully my first week of school goes well & I will post again soon!
Well it is unbelievable how much time you have to kill when you don't have homework!! Kaylie & I got together on Friday & made bows--I am so glad she puts up with me:) They turned out so cute! So I came home from work on Friday & made some more! Most of them I am going to keep for when I have a girl, so all I have to say is I Better Have a Girl someday! The other project that I did was the wedding present for my brother-- i think they turned out good too... Crazy! I can't believe I have to go back to school in 2 weeks, but I am officially a SENIOR!! Since the summer classes got on my transcripts I have enough credit to be a senior but since I am going to be an accountant that doesn't mean I am that close--I have to have 150, so I am only about 50 away and then I will be 16 closer after December! One more thing-- my niece had her first sleepover at our house while her parents went away for their 5 year anniversary & she learned the word NO-- it is the funniest thing, you will ask her a question and she will say no and then start giggling, so cute! I am going to try & get it on the camera & if I do I will post it! Well I hope everyone else had a great weekend, will post again!
So check out my new blog that is for all the pictures I am taking... I know I already have enough to do without this too, but this is probably my very favorite thing to do right now!! Here is a clip of the wedding pix, but there is more on my pix so check it out! www.candraspix.blogspot.com
Okay..so I have not updated my blog for like a month! Ooops! It has been crazy busy!! I just finished with my summer classes & I have 3 weeks before I go back! It will be crazy! So a lot has happened in the last month...where to start... well a few events are my little brother got married yesterday ( i will post pictures later) Thursday the day before I had two finals for my summer classes. I ended up with 2 A's and one B+ dang it! That is still good for how fast the classes went! Oh and here are a couple of pictures of the bows I made for a friend that had twins! (Katie if you see these before I get them mailed to you I'm sorry) I will post the matching bracelets later! Anyways lots to do I will post more later!
I have 2 nieces that I love! I will graduate in May 2010 with a degree in Accounting.. I feel like I am on the go all the time & can't wait to be able to slow down!