Thursday, April 30, 2009

Clumpsy Me...

Here is a funny story for you. Today at school it was the last day of classes & I just have finals next week. I was coming out of the Rendezvous building which I have done all semester. I wasn't really watching were I was going and there was a big metal post in the cement for a door stopper. I tripped over it and landed on the cement. My bag went flying and I ended up with a skinned up knee and some rocks in my hands. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the 25+ people waiting to get on the bus that saw me do this... One kid asked me if I was ok & told me he has done that a couple of times. I told him I was fine & jumped up to keep heading to class. I had to laugh to keep from crying literally!


Neal and Angie said...

Oh no, that's horrible, I hate when that happens and all you can do is laugh because you're so embarrassed!

Chelsi said...

Glad you were able to laugh it off. I probably would of just cried! Your niece is so dang cute!! I saw them on facebook. Good Luck with finals!!

Amber said...

Oh I hate when that happens. And I seem to do it more often then not. I am pretty much the clumsiest person ever! You did the right thing though. Laugh before you start to cry. I'm right there with ya!

Unknown said...

Oh no! I'm glad you were able to hold back the tears. I wouldn't have been that lucky, guaranteed. No fun!